What You Can Do To Help
Malcolm Fight Pediatric Cancer:
Malcolm wants to not only beat his own cancer, but also increase awareness and raise funding for research
to fight Pediatric Cancer in the lab. Anything you can do to help him raise awareness and research funding
helps him with his battle against pediatric cancer!
Visit his website and share it with others.
Wear his wristband; email him a photo for his “team” page.
Donate to his research fund: Malcolm's Foundation
Sell his wristbands through your organization to help spread awareness and funding.
Organize a fundraiser. Anything goes.. dog walks, bake sales, car washes, walks/runs, a battle of
the bands, run for his fund in a marathon... what ever you dream up is wonderful because the events help
raise awareness no matter how big or small... but definitely consider including music as a part of your
fundraiser-- Malcolm really wants to "make some noise" about pediatric cancer.
We will certainly help however we can to support your efforts.

1 in 320 US children are diagnosed with
cancer before they reach 21.
That is 12,000 kids a year!
80% of those cancers have already
metastasized by the time of diagnosis.
Upcoming Events to Benefit Make Some Noise: Cure Kids Cancer:
"Wash and Roll" Saturday, September 26, 1 - 4 pm.
Car Wash and Bake Sale featuring live music from the "Bahama Mamas" at the Calvary Church parking lot in Florham Park, NJ.
A Cocktail Party/Dinner November 12, 2009:
Ravello's in East Hanover, NJ on Thursday November 12 from 7-11pm. Sit down dinner, with wine, DJ, and 50/50. (cash bar also available)
Tickets are $60.00 per person Contact Monica Di Lauri for information and tickets: 973-714-3978 gionique@optonline.net
A Private Cocktail Party in NYC December 5, 2009
Foundation Kick-Off at The Park Avenue Club in Florham Park, NJ on Saturday, January 23rd, 2010.
Black Tie Dinner & Live Auction with great music. For tickets and information, contact Julie Sutherland, (Malcolm's mom), at
"Peddling for Pediatric Cancer" Saturday, May 8, 2010
Morristown, NJ. Cycling Event-- two ways to ride: 25 mile ride for serious riders, and family fun bike ride for those "geared" for shorter
distances. Details and contact information to come.
Please email me, (Julie), for any questions or ideas on ways you can help Malcolm and the Make Some Noise Foundation raise awareness and research funding:
Announcing: Make Some Noise: Cure Kids Cancer Foundation, Inc!
Malcolm has just incorporated his new non-profit organization for Pediatric Cancer Research and awareness!!
Visit the Make Some Noise Foundation's website: www.makenoise4kids.org
Together, we can really make some noise!!!