I am making some noise about pediatric cancer. The foundation was incorporated in
September and our big kick-off event is January 23, 2010. I hope you can come help me
make some noise. This will be the launch of my foundation and the national campaign to
raise national awareness and research funding for kid's cancer.
We are really busy getting ready. The awareness video is almost done, and it will premier at
the kick-off. We have some world class music for the night, and guests will get to hear some
great jazz & R&B. I plan to sit in with the band for a piece too.
I am doing what I can to get the word out. I was on Live Radio today, Jan. 10, will be on
another radio show on Tuesday and will be meeting with some newspapers.
I hope you can come help me launch the Make Some Noise: Cure Kids Cancer Foundation at
the big kick-off! It is going to be a great time-- and all the money goes to research.
Remission Party Jan 8.
On Friday night, I had a party with my class and teachers to celebrate remission. We had a great time. My
friends are awesome.
If you are wondering what the purple and yellow swirled wristband is that everyone is wearing now, it is the
official wristband of the Make Some Noise Foundation. They are $3 for research too.
On Sunday, January 10 I was on the radio to talk about pediatric cancer and let people know about the
foundation and the kick-off event.
Mrs. Briggs invited me to talk on her Live Radio show "Your New Jersey Connection" on WMTR am radio. I was
on live from 10-10:30am.
It was great to be able to reach a lot of people with the message about kids cancer, and I hope people will come
to the kick-off to help me make some noise! I was a little nervous about being on live radio before I went on, but
it was not hard at all.
Thank you very much to Mr. Briggs for the opportunity to be heard by people.
Live on the air with Julie Briggs, the host of "Your New Jersey Connection"
The next people to be on the show were
some politicians, and they met me
between my segment and their part of the
This is me with U.S. Congressman Bill
Pascrell, NJ Assemblyman & Minority
Leader Alex DeCroce, and State Senator
Anthony Bucco.
I also met John Graham, but that was
after we took this photo.
Nice to meet you gentlemen.
Jesse Frees is Julie Briggs' co-host on shows and she wrote a children's book
titled Jackie Winaquackey and Her 43 Cats go to Hollywood. She signed a
copy of it and gave it to me as a gift, then told me that she wants to give $3
from the sale of each book to the Make Some Noise Foundation for kids
cancer research! That is really nice of her. I hope she sells a lot of books. We
will put it on the foundation's website store this spring.
This is in the studio with Walter who is a D.J.
on WDHA.
Coming up, I will be on NY Classic Rock Station Q104.3 in an
interview with Shelli Sonstein but that show will be taped. I will
let you know when it will air.
Q 104.3 in NYC
On Jan 12, I went into New York to meet with Shelli Sonstein Co-host and Producer of the JIm Kerr Rock N' Roll
Morning Show. We did an interview about pediatric cancer, and why I started a foundation. She also asked how
people can contact the foundation if they would like to organize a fundraiser, and we talked about the kick-off.
Thank you Shelli. I have been listening to your show for years, it was nice to get a chance to meet you. Thank you for
helping me get the word out about kids cancer!
I went to address Morristown Rotary as a
guest speaker on Wednesday. There wasn't a
mic, so mom did the talking because people
would not have been able to hear me.
Everyone there was really nice and seemed
happy to hear the story about kids cancer.
Some of the Rotarians are cancer survivors
themselves-- though not pediatric cancer.
Thank you for giving me the chance to share
the story.
Jake Remaly from the Daily Record came to
interview me about the kick-off. Jake is really
nice. He has been following my website since
February last year. I am glad the Daily Record
might be able to help me make some noise.
The Kick-Off Event: "Make Some Noise" January 23, 2010

It was a special night. We are so grateful to all the wonderful guests who
attended and to those who donated or supported in other ways. There
were 250 guests in attendance that evening, and almost as many kind
friends who supported even though they could not attend. We thank you
all for helping Malcolm, the Event Committee, and the Trustees and
Officers of the Board launch the Make Some Noise: Cure Kids Cancer
Foundation. Your presence in our efforts are truly heartwarming, and we
are all moved by your kind support.
A very special thank you to Event Co-Chairs Lillian Geswelli and Mary Ann
Storms for their gracious and tireless efforts to ensure the success of the
Kick-Off. Beautiful job ladies, thank you so much.
Thank you to our distinguished guests, Dr. Maris and Joe Morton for their
generous donations of time and talent that evening to help us further the
cause for pediatric cancer. We are most grateful for your presence and
words of support that evening.
Thank you to the Officers and Board of Trustees for your support in not
only attending, but also bringing tables, ads, and items to the auction.
Your efforts were a great help. Trustee, Jim Geswelli did an amazing job
getting the pendant Bethany designed made into silver prototypes in time
for the kick-off sales. Rumor has it he was back at the jeweler's table
himself to be sure the prototypes were finished in time! Thank you Jim!
A huge thank you to Video Producer, Chris Pescatore, and his team for
their generous and tireless work to direct, shoot, edit, and produce the
Awareness video, "1 in 320", which debuted at the kick-off. We are very
grateful to you for the time and sensitivity which you poured into
producing the foundation's awareness video. Your hearts were in it and it
truly shows. Thank you.
Thank you to the helpful and gracious efforts of dear friends who came to
help with set up on Friday and Saturday. Abbie, Krys, Cacky, Joanne,
Tricia, Agnieszka, Jennifer, and Henry... thank you! Maximam Gratiam to
Rosie and Liz & Moira Colquhoun-- whom I owe more than a dinner for
their heroism.
Thank you to B.B. King Road Shows for the wonderful support in helping
launch the foundation; to Jon Stolpe of Solfedge Radio for teaching
Malcolm "Freebird" and for bringing all the sound equipment and
operating the sound board that evening; to Egils Matiss of Eggsotic
Events for his tremendous support and efforts with decor; Scott Rokosny
from Garden State Video for video taping the event; Nirav Patel for AV
assistance that night; to Kathy Shepperly for graciously serving as
auctioneer; special thanks to my family for their help; and a heartfelt thank
you to all the wonderful people who helped with PR: Julie Briggs of
WMTR and Shelli Sonstein of Q104.3 for their very thoughtful and
supportive interviews with Malcolm on their radio shows; Jake Remaly
and the Daily Record, for pre-event coverage; and a huge thank you to
Liz Parker and freelance writer, Michelle Vrouvas, of Recorder Community
Newspapers for pre-event coverage and their tremendous post event
coverage that thoughtfully tells the story of how critical awareness and
research funding are to the pursuit of cures for pediatric cancer. Thank
you all so very much for helping to MAKE SOME NOISE!
We are humbled by the support and efforts of others to help us bring this
cause in to the national lime light. Thank you does not being to express
our gratitude. Pediatric cancer is a devastating disease taking thousands
of children's lives each year.
With profound gratitude,
Julie Sutherland,
Chairman Board of Trustees
Make Some Noise: Cure Kids Cancer Foundation

On Friday, Jan 22, I spoke in assembly at my school.
I shared my story and then I gave a sneak preview of the foundation's awareness video.
Student Council used this as an opportunity to give me a big check for pediatric cancer research from the
"Jersey Day" they sponsored last fall. Kids were allowed to break dress code and wear a football jersey
if they brought in $1. They raised over $1,000 from Jersey Day! Thank you to Mrs. Troutman and Student
Council for organizing this and THANKS TO EVERYONE WHO SUPPORTED JERSEY DAY!
Thank you to Mr. K and my school for letting me share the story of pediatric cancer and raise awareness.

Bethany Ciccarelli won the foundation's
first Annual Jewelry Design Contest.
Kids with cancer can enter the contest each year and
the winner gets a gift certificate to a store of their
choice. Their design is made into a piece of jewelry
which we will sell across the country to raise
awareness and research funding.
Bethany designed a pendant with the word HOPE on it.
Great job Bethany! Thank you! Your pendant will help
raise awareness and research funding!
We did pre-sales of the pendant that night. If you want
to order one, email the foundation at
This is Dr. Maris from CHOP.
He was our Guest Speaker. He talked about how there haven't been any increases in cures for pediatric cancer since the 1970s. So raising funds and awareness is REALLY important!
I said a few words to thank everyone for
being so kind to come support the
foundation. Then I introduced some onco
friends who were there that night.
Jackie, Lilly, Bethany, and Gia came up to
the stage and people really clapped for
The Centerpieces were gift baskets we made
for local onco kids. We put i-pod shuffles,
speakers, really cool lap desks, fleece
blankets from BeePosh, stuffed animals, joke
books and other good stuff in them.
Stuff I know a kid with cancer would really
Thank you to BeePosh for donating the great
fleece blankets!
This is Joe Morton. He was our MC for the night. He is an award winning actor and musician who has been in tons of movies and shows and is in The Good Wife right now. He was a really good MC, and a really nice man. Mr. Morton, thank you very much for helping us to MAKE SOME NOISE!
Then my mom talked for a while about
pediatric cancer and why I wanted to
start a foundation.
She also introduced the foundation's
awareness video called "1 in 320." Thank
you very much to Mr. Pescatore for
producing it for us.
The Debut of the video! I think people really liked it.
Then it was time to MAKE SOME NOISE, I got to play with the band!
We played "Free Bird, " which is my post chemo theme song. The
guys were really great to let me play. I have to say it was very cool
and so much fun. Thanks Stanley, Kenny, Luca, and the guys.
CHOP Tuesday Jan 26,
I had surgery on my foot.
Dr. Dormans was my surgeon again.
On Wednesday Jan 27, Mrs. Storms and
Mom took the baskets to the Valerie
Clinic in Morristown so they could be
given as gifts to onco kids.
Mom said they pretty much lined the
hallway with all the baskets! I bet the
kids will really like them. I hope so.
Mrs. Geswelli, Mrs. Storms and mom did
all the shopping for the baskets, and
moms from my grade helped package
them together they day before the
Mrs. Geswelli is one of the event co-chairs and
the Foundation's vice-president.
Jackie, Gia, and Lilly with Kenny Muhammad
Lilly with her mom and
brother Andre. Lilly's mom is
one of our trustees.
Lilly had Dr. Dormans for her
surgery too!
Joe Morton with his friend Kenny Muhammad who
he brought that night to help entertain us. Kenny is
an amazing beatboxer who makes sounds that don't
seem humanly possible! Kenny, thanks for the
amazing entertainment! Peace
I haven't seen Gia in months! I was really glad she could come to the kick-off. This is
Gia with me and Dr. Maris. Dr. Maris specializes in Neuroblastoma, so I think she is
probably one of his patients at CHOP.
Maybe Gia can sing for us at next year's auction.
All the photos posted here from the event are photos guests have emailed to us.
If you have photos from that night, please considering sharing them with us. Thank you!
A note of thanks from my Mom:
That night was one of the most special times in my life. It was really great to see so many people come to help me make some noise about kids cancer. Thank you so much. For those of you who came, it was great to have you and we hope to see you and more people next year.
I went down to CHOP on Friday Feb. 5th for my 6 month post-treatment clinic, x-rays, scans and
tests. These scans and tests are to look for any recurrence of Ewing's, and secondary cancers
that come from the treatments and check for damage to my heart and kidneys from the chemo.
If you would like to HELP MAKE SOME NOISE by hosting a fundraiser with your friends or organization, by volunteering time, talents, or funds, or by having Malcolm speak at your school or organization, please contact the foundation at:
Waking up in the sedation unit after the O.R. My nurse was pulling my IV in
this picture.
Left to right, this is my mom, Bethany, me, Lilly, Gia, and Jackie.
Leo, Ben L., Ben W., Brooke, Brandon & Jack... we missed you and wished you could have been there with us.
My friends Liam and Tommy surprised me and showed up at
the event. It was great to have their support. I think Liam
won something in the Live Auction... at least I saw him
bidding. They slept over that night, but there were no
video games involved, ok, maybe some.
On Monday, Feb 1, my grade went on a field trip to the Buehler Challenger Center. We did simulated shuttle flights to the
moon. It was pretty cool. Everyone had specific jobs and we had to work together for the mission to succeed. I was the
Navigator for my team. At one point we had an oxygen emergency, but Jacquie, who was on Life Support, got it fixed in
time with 3 seconds to spare.
We had a successful lunar landing!
The area of concern in my tail bone seems to be gone
now. There is still something weird near the top of my
femur but we don't know what it is. It is some kind of
swelling that keeps showing up along the interior side of
the top of my femur.
Dr. Womer said I was go to go until the nine months scans!
I just have to work on my bone density. My bones are
almost invisible on x-rays now.
Loading me into the new MRI at CHOP. I have not been
in this one before. It was faster than the other MRIs.
Without my broviac, I have to get IVs when I go
Dr. D let me take out
my own stitches. That
was pretty cool.
I am allowed to bear
weight again now, so
time to start walking
After this, I ditched the
walker at home and
started using the
lofstrand crutches
again for the first time
since I broke my femur
in August. I still use
the wheel chair when I
am away from home
though because my
bone density is
REALLY bad, and
falling would be a big
POST-OP CHECK UP with Dr. Dormans on Feb. 11, 2010