Wow, 9 pages of my journey, and
I am really happy to be here!
Our 1st Annual Sand Castle Contest  - 9/26/10
Pier Village, Long Branch NJ     
Thank you to McLoone's
for donating all the prizes
and refreshments, to all
the volunteers, including
our event photographer,
Kate Denberg... and
especially to all the
participants who showed
up to help make some
noise for kids cancer!!

See you again next year for
our 2nd Annual Contest!

Sat. Sept. 26, 2010

Dinner, Auction, and Rock & Roll
McLoone's Pier House in Pier Village, Long Branch, NJ

Our NET proceeds for research were over $50,000 and everyone had a great time!
We dedicated the evening to Mark Levine, a 9-year-old hero who loved the shore.
Mark Eric Levine
9/18/2000 - 5/30/2010
Visit "Mark the Shark" at his caring bridge site:
We honored 14 onco kids who have fought cancer-- some of them
more than once.  And we wanted to make some noise for the guests,
so all of us oncology kids performed a drum circle.  It was very cool.  
We definitely made some noise for kids cancer.
If you remember Gia from when I had my
surgery, this is Gia now.  She still has
cancer, but is doing well and celebrated
her 5th birthday in December.
Gia dragged me out on the dance floor,
and it was the first time I was with no
crutches or wheel chair since before my
surgery in March 2009.  If I had not broken
my femur, it would have been about a year
We had a Silent Auction with about 100 items, and a Live Auction   This is the
painting all of us Oncology kids made with out thumb prints-- it is a beach scene.
This is Mya and her mom.  If you remember from our awareness video, May is the girl
in the black and white photo.  At this event, Mya was on steriods from her second
round of cancer treatments.  In January, 2011, Mya relapsed, and is now fighting
cancer for the third time.  She is a really brave kid.  We love her and are sending her
and her family all our very best thoughts prayers and best wishes.  Go Mya!  
This is me with Brooke and Gia.  Brooke is in
remission.  Gia still has tumor wrapped on a vital
organ, but she is doing great!
This is me with Jacquie, who had Osteosarcoma, Bethany who is fighting Leukemia,
and Lilly, who had Ewing's Sarcoma.  
Thank you very much to Tim McLoone who was our MC and Tim McLoone and the Shirley's were the
band.  Everyone had a really fun time.  We made some noise, and raised awareness and funding for
kids cancer.  Thank you McLoone's and all the people who worked on the event.  You did a great job.
CHOP- October 25
3 month scan & clinic day

I had x-rays, MRI and clinic to check for relapse and secondary cancers.  
The x-ray showed my lungs were clear, no tumors, but my bone density is
bad from all the immobility.   You can see my scar around my hip from my
surgery.  It looks pretty good.  Dr. Dormans is an amazing surgeon.

There is something new on my other femur now, and
we have to watch it.  I am going down for scans again
on February 7th.
For Halloween, I wanted to be a character from my favorite video game, Halo.

Mom made me a really cool costume out of upholstery foam.

We had a party at school, and then on Halloween, my friend Tommy had a bunch
of us over to his neighborhood to go trick-or-treating.  I did the street in my
wheel chair and then walked to the doors from people's driveways.
Pingry School

On Friday, November 12, 2010, The Pingry School's
student organization SMAC had a power puff field hockey
event to raise awareness and funding.  They raised over
$1,000 for the Make Some Noise foundation.  

THANK YOU Roxanne, Elise, and Emma, SMAC, all the Jr.
& Sr. boys who played field hockey for the event, and all
the students and faculty who supported it.

SMAC stands for students movement against cancer
Mother Theresa Regional School in
Atlantic Highlands December 3, 2010

Family Karoake Night

Mother Theresa Regional School hosted a Karoake Night with great
music and basket auction to benefit the foundation. It was great
family fun! Thank you to MTRS, Mrs. Baeder, all those who came out
to sing and support kids cancer research... and a special thank you
to MTRS freshman Caitlin Harper and her committee for working
hard to put together a great event!  

They raised over $2,000 for research!  Thank you for making some

Thank you!
Friday , December 17, 2010

I was very lucky to be a guest on the morning show with
host Harry Hurley.  We had to leave the house at 4:30 in
the morning to get down there in time for the 7am
broadcast in south Jersey, but it was definitely worth it.

I had about an hour of air time during the Live show,
and Harry was a great host.  I really appreciate the
opportunity to share the story of kids cancer. Thank
you very much Harry.  And thank you to everyone at the
Auto Plaza for their support of the Make Some Noise

Thanks also to Gia and her mom who made the
connection with Harry to ask if I could be on his show.

Harry Hurley, me, my mom, and Gia
We were invited to go down to South Jersey to help Gia celebrate her 5th Birthday.  On Dec. 5th, we went down to Gia's house,
and it was great to see her.  As long as her scans remain stable, she is safe.  She is now in Kindergarten, and loves school, her
classmates and teachers.  Gia has been fighting Neuroblastoma since she was 15 months old
December 8, 2010

We had a cocktail party at the foundation.  It
was an office warming party.

The photo on the right is me with Mrs. Daneman, Lilly's
mom.  She is on our Board.  Thank you Mrs.  Daneman
for helping us Make Some Noise for pediatric cancer.
We have a Junior Board now!

There have been a lot of kids who have
impressed us because they stepped up on
their own to help the foundation raise
awareness and funding.  So we decided to
start a Junior Board and bring some of these
great kids together.

Right now, the board is a mix of middle and
high school students and some have had
cancer, some have not.

This is Roxanne, Emma, Elise, James, Keira,
me, Sammy, Becca, Lilly and Caitlin.  There
are a couple more kids but they live out of
January 2011 Issue

In January 2011-- Beverly Bird was really nice and wrote an article about me
and the foundation and it is published on page 28 of the magazine.   Thank you
very much Ms. Bird, I really appreciate your help making some noise about
kids' cancer.

Scroll to page 28:
Ok, I have to go for now because we have a board meeting in
a little while.  I still have to post something about Christmas
and how great our National Noise Night was on Jan 22.

You can go to the foundation's website to see photos and
information about Noise Night.  Go to the "up-coming events"
page and see what great stuff we had going on that night.

Tomorrow I head down to CHOP for Scan Day.  

Thank you
- Malcolm
aired on Tuesday February 2, 1011: