Making Some Noise....
Getting Ready for Noise Night. During our December meeting, our Junior Board stuffs and stamps
the envelopes for the invitations to our local Noise Night event.
January 22, 2011
This was the first annual National Noise Night. We had our home event at
the Park Avenue Club in northern NJ, and grass-roots events in Denver,
Phoenix, and D.C., along with about a dozen restaurants and bars
scattered around the country doing give back nights on Noise Night. All to
help raise awareness and research funds for childhood cancers.
NOISE ON NOISE NIGHT! Please join us to help make some noise!
Here are some photos of our home event:
It was a great night. Thank you so much to everyone who came out to support us or
held their own events in New Jersey, Colorado, Arizona, D.C., and Seattle.
Mark your calendars... Noise Night 2012 is Sat. January 21, 2012
Get ready to make some noise wherever you live!
Watch Kiera and Gia sing at NOISE NIGHT!
Link coming soon, I forgot we have not uploaded it to youtube yet.
Some Photos from Denver's Noise Night event at the Grant Humphreys Manson:
Dr. Paul Jedlicka is a researcher for childhood cancer at
Denver Children's, and I hear he gave a great speech.
Thank you Dr. Jedlicka!
Dr. Jenny Mouchantat and Guy & Michele Yandel were the hosts of the event.
Thank you Guy, Jenny & Michele for making some noise in Denver!
Buena Regional Schools in southern NJ joined in to help make some noise for Noise Night in January and
hosted a two week long coin drive and Purple & Gold Day at their school.
They raised over $1,000 for childhood cancer research for us! Thank you Buena, you guys rock!
I went down after their fund drive to thank the students and
faculty at Buena, and I had the opportunity to speak to their
Student Council.
This photo is me with Gia and the Student Council in February
when I went to Buena, (the day I was at CHOP for scan Day) to say
thank you.
I don't have photos from any of the other events that went on on Noise
night. I hear that the event at the Tune Inn on Capital Hill was great!! In
fact they called in to our home event, and shouted "Make Some
Noise!!" over our PA system, and it was really great to hear people
making some noise around the country at the same time!
In the future, we hope to be able to simulcast all the Noise Night
Events! Wouldn't that be cool?
We started National Noise NIght, to have simultaneous grass roots events across the country on the same night to make some noise and
help us raise a lot more raise research funding for kids cancer. This was our first annual National Noise Night.
Here are some of the restaurants that hosted a give back on Noise Night!