Some pictures of my journey
My Attending Oncologist, Dr. Womer, (he is really funny),
and one of the Fellows, Dr. Olson
This is a breathing thing you have to do to
clear your lungs after a surgery.
Yes, I have to brush my teeth,
but I can do it in bed!
Kate is one of the oncology nurses. She is
awesome, but all the nurses are great too.
Physical Therapy,
but I don't need it
anymore until after
the surgery this
This is me during Chemo-- the anti-nausea
medication makes me pass out and sleep... but if
I don't have it, I throw up, alot!
My History teacher, Mr. Cross came to CHOP to
visit before Christmas. He came to my house too.
My classmates gave me tons of Secret Santa
Mr. Mortensen made a sign for my house
where visitors can stop and get purell.
Transport Team from CHOP when they
came up to NJ to get me in a snowstorm!
More Chemo
My friend Matt came to CHOP on New Year's.
Adam, Brad and Riley came before Christmas, but
I don't have a picture of their visit. My friend
Tommy came to visit at my house over Christmas
It started raining hair from the chemo, and it got REALLY annoying, so we stopped into a hotel in Philly
before the Eagles game so I could buzz my head. I am definitely liking the hat thing!
I'm BALD!!
This is my brother James buzzing his
head for me... my Upper School
Headmaster, Mr. Sigrist did it too! They
are crazy, but I think it is really cool,
and brave.
Salut Mme. Maguire! Je suis bien. My school is so cool. They
hooked me up with skype, so now I can video conference into my
classes through my laptop-- even during chemo treatments. This
is me getting chemo in my hospital room at CHOP and in French
class with my teacher and friends in New Jersey at the same time!
Whoa, JAMES!!!
Not feeling so hot in this
picture. I really hope my
tumor feels as bad as I do.
Guitar Hero with my brothers
James and Student Council selling my livestrongs at school during Spirit Week.
I guess you can say I am well covered at CHOP. This is morning rounds with Oncology-- my doctors are making sure I know how to laugh.
This is me jamming with Patrick, the music therapist at CHOP
My friend Justin came down from
Connecticut for a sleep over.
Patrick has an electric guitar on
his cart, and he let me try it out.
It even had an amp.
CHOP is a pretty cool place!
This is a picture of my class making an "M" back in
December. Apparently, some are better at it than others!
My friend, Leo, at CHOP, (he's 11), and I
built this tower in the Day Hospital with
help from two other kids. We named it
"Taco Bell Tower", and it is made out of
hospital supplies. I was in getting a
transfusion, and Leo was getting chemo.
Shipping out bracelet orders.
This is an All School Assembly where our Student Council presented
me with a check for the Children's Hospital Foundation from the sale
of my livestrong style bracelets at school. It was also Chinese New
Year's, which explains all the red.
I took a few moments to thank Mrs. Troutman, the Student Council, and the Peck
body for their efforts and support. I was surprised and impressed to see the
support I had at school. I wanted to high five everyone when they stood up for me.
Those are my headmasters standing on my right.
AND HERE'S THE "BIG" CHECK!! (thanks Mr. M!)
Bone scan I was watching Monsters Inc. on the tv to the right.
The bone scan gets really close to your head!
MRI scan The MRI at CHOP is really cool. You get to pick a movie, and they put goggles and a headset on you so you can watch a movie the whole time you are inside the machine. This was me after I came out of the MRI machine. It lasted about an hour and a half, and I watched Eight Below. With the goggles on, the only thing you can see is the movie, so it was like being in a movie theatre.
I love to sing. This is on the Wii
Bike ride on a cold and really windy day. I
was in the mood for a chicken parm sub,
so we rode bikes to Florham Park Deli.
Images from my bone scan-- but don't
try reading it, you can't tell anything
from this little image. My joints are all
glowing here because I am growing
right now.
The Colket Atrium at CHOP Sometimes I have a window that looks out on this.
This is me and James doing a Monty Python
sketch in the Upper School Talent Show.
We did the "Vocational Guidance Councilor."
Finishing Round 6 means the end of the first part of my treatment.
Visit my "Treatment History" Page for a description of my surgery, and "Journey II" for the next part of my journey.
Chemo Round 4
My class sent down a huge display of get well cards!